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Maria Macêdo, born in Quitaiús-Ceará (1996). Lives and works in Juazeiro do Norte-CE.

Artist/Educator/Researcher. Degree in Visual Arts from Universidade Regional do Cariri (2019), Co-leader of the Research Group Novos Ziriguiduns (Inter)Nacionais Generated in Arte- NZINGA/CNPq, of the organizing committee of the International Seminar Art/Gender/Education in Times of Conservatism/ URCA, from the organizing committee of the international congress Artefacts da Cultura Negra/URCA.

She develops artistic works based on the science of the forest, as a black woman, a Northeastern migrant, tracing paths from historiographical gaps, affective constructions and personal/collective memories.   Evoking the ancestral force of life in the countryside, he finds in the experiences on earth the path that guides his artistic work as a migrant farmer artist, fertilizing images. 

Between 2020-2021, he was part of the 7th edition of the Visual Arts Laboratory of the Porto Iracema das Artes school (Fortaleza-CE), under the mentorship of the artist Ana Lira, with the project "Língua Ferina: Artista retreatant and the fertilization of the image", later selected for the 31st Program de  exhibitions at Centro Cultural São Paulo, 2021.


He was part of the educational curatorship team for the 15th Bienal Naifs do Brasil 2020 – SESC Piracicaba/SP, and for the exhibition Corpo/Gênero/Sexualidade: para que te Quero?, from the study and creation laboratory Bixórdia, Cariri–CE.

She is a member of Coletivo Artivista Karetas with Prekito, Coletivo Cantando Marias, and of the theater collective Iamís Kariris and of the space for dissemination and artistic/educational production Quebrada Cultural (Juazeiro do Norte – CE).


He participated in several national and international exhibitions, having his first solo exhibition entitled "Incendiar com a boca o mundo" at the Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste Cariri in 2021. 2019) at Centro de Artes/URCA, SERILUSORA (2019), Mulheres Pensantes, Presentes! and RASTROVESTIGIUM (2018), at the Maria Célia Bacurau/URCA gallery, in Crato-CE.

It has works in the following collections: Museum of Contemporary Art of Ceará (Fortaleza – CE), Museum of Contemporary Art of Paraná (Curitiba – PR), Public Collection of the city  of Juazeiro do Norte–CE, Museum of water (Belém – PA).

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